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The ultimate invariant equation

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The book is an attempt to find the Ariadne thread in the labyrinth of scientific laws. The author deals with some well-known laws in physics, mechanics, biology, economics, probability, games theories, logics and some philosophical issues. The thread is given by an identity that plays an anomalous role in number theory: 2+2 = 2⋅2 where a sum equals a product, with the same digit on both sides of the equality. Its generalizations like x+x = x⋅x, x + y = x y, x+y = u v, despite their   simple shape, seem the general shape of all scientific laws. The latter equation can be considered as the largest container of the scientific laws. Actually, it resides on the property of the integer numbers  where we equate their decomposition in terms of sum of  prime numbers, following  the Goldbach conjecture, to the decomposition in terms of product of prime numbers, following the fundamental theorem of arithmetic. Through simple algebra, many well-known laws are deduced.

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